Current state of the game and the developer

Please check the Discord server for the most up to date announcements and info:

It's been a while since I made an announcement, but here's a quick run down of what's up with Captivity and me, the developer: I severely underestimated the amount of attention, motivation and primarily time that school would demand of me for the recent 3 months. I have been simply unable to work on Captivity. The spare time and motivation I had left after finishing up schoolwork was spent mostly on relaxing and taking it easy. A bunch of times throughout the last 3 months I tried to "start back up" and dedicate myself towards working on Captivity. This burst of motivation ended within 1 or 2 days, every time. So now I'm kinda stuck. Not sure what to do. Besides school and Captivity I also, obviously, have a life. I won't go into details but I also need to spend time on my own life. I love my game, I love almost everyone in the community. Please don't think I stopped working on the game because I don't care about it, or you. It's just very simple: It's hard for me to focus on Captivity right now. Not sure when this is going to change. School keeps going. Every time a semester finishes, a new one starts right back up with a ton of workload. I'm behind right now at multiple classes. I got deadlines to meet. Etc. etc. Don't worry about me though, I tend to pull through under stress. Thanks for understanding. I'm online on the server almost everyday. I will not go silent on you guys anytime soon.

Get Captivity (18+)


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Yo, no worries. 

Your game is one of the best porn related games I've ever seen in my life. Don't worry about us and don't you dare to work on the game if you don't feel good enough, the game can wait <3

Also, summer holidays are getting close, you certainly are gonna have more time then. Much love for a great developer like you!

Take as much time as you need, just don't give up. :D

It's a pity that he rested. And focus on learning. Come back when you feel most comfortable. Wish you all the best.

Must say Captivity is one of the coolest hentai mini-shooters I've ever played.


This is easily one of the best indie nsfw games out here right now and although Im excited to see where its development leads, neither I nor (i expect) any other supporters want that development at your detriment. 

Just keep communicating with us and you dont have to have to add this to your stress load. The best way you can turn this into a big ol shitty flop is letting anxiety of addressing the community drive you into silence or hiding. hope everything works out smoothly in your schooling


This already happened in the beginning right after I put up the Discord server. After 3 days I started to feel like vomiting because of all the pressure and excited people who kept asking for new content. Thankfully another h-game dev contacted me and gave me some advice which helped. But I can still feel the stress and anxiety everytime I think of Captivity. It's just something I have to deal with somehow. I'm starting to think that ignoring the Discord server is the best way to go. But you're definitely right, this sorta stuff makes me want to hide and cower away. But that would be a shame so I'm gonna try not to do that. Thanks for the kind words!

Thanks for the kind words everybody, I really appreciate it


Deleted post



your own health and future is more important then some randos online, when you're ready to return to development we'll be here so no worries

Thanks for the update! It's a pretty amazing game as it is. Anything more at this point is a bonus so take your time. Good luck with school!

Don't overwork yourself and certainly don't force yourself! Everything this game already has to offer is well worth the money it cost, so take it easy!

Hi glad to hear that you're still alive and well. It's good to hear from you again, I do hope that you'll be able to catch up in your classes and not stress yourself out Remember not to push yourself to far now ya hear. I will lastly leave you this parting heart as a loving encouragement :)

Warned ya about the school bro. You did more than enough in my book for captivity. Hard to see games like these reach a stable 1.0 version. Keep us informed about your future projects too, don't let this talent go to waste. Stay safe and good luck in your life & school.

i bought the game cause i like what's already there and i would enjoy more but i would rather you finished your schooling first, and have actual time to work whilst your relaxed.  This is something that I will watch but I'm not going to nag for you to improve on since you need a good mindset and motivation to work on a game.

Take it easy we understand work on the game whenever you have free time but if you aren't feeling it then go don't worry about it

Good to hear from you. Focus on RL for now and just let us know, if something changes.