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This is amazing. Please work on it at your own pace, digest commentary and criticism objectively, and know you're on to something awesome with this foundation.  

I plan to support you any way I can in the future. I bought the game for $10 for now, but if you open a sub service or something please announce it far and wide. 

There's a bug with the new birthing system. If 2 different types finish at the same time (Fly/Fly egg or head humper/spider mother egg). The first birthing animation plays but instead of starting the next set afterwards it freezes in whatever animation you were in before the birthing started (running, standing etc)

As a sidenote I'm curious whether or not you'll be implementing stuff like bondage or tentacles and such in the future? I don't know what your interests are so I'm curious.


Damnit. I'm gonna fix that as soon as possible. 

Bondage? I was never into it. But I can try to get into it. I know alot of people like it. 

I like tentacles but doing tentacle animations is kinda hard considering I'm using skeletal animations. It's definitely possible but slightly harder than the average animation. Maybd I will add tentacles on a stage one day. 


If you actually want to get into bondage then cool. But you don't need to force yourself into it on account of me or anyone else :P 

There are other places/games/mods where we can find bondage stuff if you don't feel like it's for you.

Also did you change the drop rate for the jungle idols? I just got 2 of them in the first 2 rounds xD Could be luck


It's luck haha

I got all 4 in 11 waves. Am I really lucky this time or was I REALLY UNlucky when it took me over 20 last time I tried?


You were really lucky this time


Fixed the bug and released v1.0.5b. Thanks for reporting


No problem :D


i absolutely despise the Sqoids


You will feel better once you give in to the mind control...

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit) (+2)

It's possible. It's hard to implement pregnant bellys right now, but I definitely want to one day

I´m really loving this game, but i do think there is a bug with the experiment "samus" i have counted successful dodges to over a 100 in a single game but still not completed


You need to dodge 50 energy blast from 50 different unique Sqoids

aah allright that explains it, thx and keep up the awesome work

That took 24 waves on Casual for me.

can any of the creatures get you pregnant or just the cave ones? Would be cool if they all could.


Space station location that haves spider mothers and head humpers can 

(2 edits)

having trouble loading pass through the first screen after clicking play, any suggestions? Is it suppose to be a very long load? to expalin what happen I tried to do what the instructions have to told me to do to transfer my game save data, After toying it around my version started to load in windows mode(Unsure if that was intended for the update) and from there I click play proceed to entire the load screen, after usual wait time the back ground song will disappear leaving me with the long load animation. Guidance would be much appreciated since I really want to check out the new gallery mode and it would bum me out I won't get to experiences this new content or any possible future content.


Make sure youre playing the newest version. 

I think your save file is corrupted. Go to C:\Users\<YOUR USER NAME>\AppData\LocalLow\Perveloper\Captivity and delete the file xGameDb.db

Then start the game.

Gallery mode is not out yet. 

alright I’ll try that 

I won't wait for a Steam release on this one. My first itch io purchase and definitely worth it imo. Release it on steam and i'll buy it a second time. A third time if coop happens (possible not but still one can only hope).

Okay, got the game to run finally (thanks norton) and its great. Challenging but not impossible once you figure out a strategy for each area. A couple things that I'd like to see, if you feel like adding more stuff to the game, is a gallery mode, perhaps styled as a testing room and whomever captured the PC releases x enemy into the area for "testing" and either removed afterwards or is removed by commands, like interacting with a panel with F and adding/removing entities. As well as a "post broken" mode where the PC can't use any items but she can still walk around the area in something like a drunken walk cycle. Really like the game, good fun to play, and kinky as all hell XD


beautiful game sir worth every cent honestly keep up the great work!


good shit. thought it deserved more that $5. 

Damn, should have bought this yesterday


I see alot of suggestions, ideas and potential fixes for problems in the comments. I've read them all, but I don't have the time or sanity to really sit down and go through every point using my full intelligence and attention. I'm taking it slow right now, and go step by step. Feel free to keep giving feedback and support, but please don't feel offended or ignored in case I don't respond.

If I were to count all the good ideas and changes everyone has suggested here, it's probably going to turn into a list of a 100 things to do. And that in only about 2.5 days. Phew. 

I appreciate the immense support and and dedication. I'm asking you guys to have a little patience on updates and new features. 

Thank you all for playing! I couldn't even dream of my game growing so quickly.

(1 edit)

Take your time, don't worry. yes game balance should be the first thing to add, but this is still a complete game for only 3 bucks vs a ton of unfinished games which milk people for years. That's also why many people liked it


5 bucks by now. Still, completely justified price increase.


If I may chip in not a game, but a management suggestion: You should write up a roadmap. No dates, no release shedule, just a list of things you are working on or planning to do, roughly ordered by how important or sure to be added they are.

In my experience, that's one of the most simple to add things there is, to reduce the influx of dupplicate ideas, and to asure people that there is more worthwhile stuff to come.

A game that works, plays well, and satisfies the horny is one that takes time. It good

Some commendably quick balancing there, had trouble getting to wave 10 on Shack previously, but Casual, I quit after... 21? Yeah, 21, so that's good.

Haven't tried caves yet though, that's the real test, and I see you've got a fair amount of critique there already, as well as a fair amount of suggestions overall.

So this is just a note to say you've had a commendable early start on this, and I look forward to seeing what else you do with it.

Yeah, Caves are still a git to do, although I did at least manage to *meet* the Musca.


Balance update is coming again soon, adressing Maggots, generator price and some other things.

Nice game, actually interesting and fun to play while also maintaining decent H content. Hope you keep adding to this, game is a gem. 


More content is coming soon, stay tuned.

Deleted 3 years ago

Most people like FER stage the most. It's the most recent stage I've made as well, so things I had learned through the progress of developing this game is applied to that stage. Maybe thats why its the best, such as proper AI. 

Stay tuned for more content. 

I'm not actually a big fan of the SETTING of the last stage (not great, but tollerateable for me) but it's definitely the best in terms of gameplay.


I had a good bit of difficulty with AI and pathfinding. Right around when starting on the FER stage I really solved some issues and started to create good pathfinding. That is why FER has the most complex paths and platforms out of all the stages, which in turn makes it an interesting stage to play.

Please resolution 3440x1440  

Do you have buy me a coffee Account, Parteaon. Subscribe?

I really gotta say this game is quickly becoming one of my favorites, great job on this my dude.

Your work really reminds me of old flash games like The Last Stand zombie shooter, which I think is really great. I think it really fills a niche in the NSFW game community that was just waiting to be filled, and I really hope your work inspires others to do the same.

Are you considering branching out to other platforms to advertise/create a presence? In my view it would be nothing but beneficial to have a Patreon, it would give you a good bit exposure than being on, and let people pitch in more consistently.

I think most of the suggestions and criticisms have already been said to death, maggots are unreasonably small & difficult to see, the cave in general is in need of balance, the jungle map is a bit big, etc etc. Any criticisms imo are heavily outweighed by how well done everything else is.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but a lot of discussion about this game has been going on in the F95zone forums, just in case you didn't know or something

Just my two cents, really enjoyed what you have going here, and hope things work out for you in the future my dude.

(P.S. I also advocate for more beast content, the knot status is prett hot stuff and hope we'll see more in the future)

(1 edit) (+5)

Wow, that forum got filled pretty quickly. The game is 2.5 days old and people are already so excited. I hope they realise I'm broke and are able to buy the game on here.

I'm gonna be honest: I'm quite overwhelmed. Reading all the comments makes me a little dizzy, simply by the sheer number of cool ideas and kind words. 

I'm currently a student following a pretty difficult computer scientist course, so I can't spend all of my time on Captivity. I slept 4 hours today and woke up to immediately start attending class (which I'm attending right now).

That's why Patreon is a bad idea I think. I can't consistently work on Captivity, and that's why I don't expect consistent money from generous people.

Thank you for enjoying the game. Kind words are very helpful and motivating to do more stuff for this game. 


dude just, wow. Give yourself a break. You obviously have a ton of talent but burnout is real. I understand not having money, hopefully this game keeps gaining traction. I found out about this on f95, played the version they had then realized there were updates. I def bought this and have been seeing large improvements and am eagerly waiting for more.

Seriously good job. 

Wait, is Perveloper not the one who posted on F95?  Shouldn't they take that down?

The game starting no more in Fullscreen :/   (sorry for my bad englisch I'm german)


That's weird. Try unpacking the zip file again, and don't forget to copy your save file over. If that doesn't work leave a comment.


Try pressing Alt + Enter

thanks its work


I just bought the game and already put an unhealthy amount of time and focus into it. I read through some of the earlier comments and I can't believe this is your first game! Amazing work!

There have been a lot of good recommendations and compliments in the comments so far so I don't have a ton to add, but I don't think anyone mentioned the idea of bosses. With a wave-based game like this it's perfectly fine without bosses, but it can add a sense of buildup and progression, as well as a fifth enemy for stages. It could be neat if they would be manually triggered by the player either by a large cash sacrifice or by doing certain things like the statue in the jungle stage or like how Jackies appear when you open the backroom of the F.E.R., or just spawn every certain number of waves. I would say that killing a boss gives an alternative way for players to end a level, and beating a boss would give the option to exit or continue and it can track how early the player beat the boss or how many times they beat the boss in a single run, stuff like that.

To be frank though, the current variety is already great. The F.E.R. stage really blows it out of the water with what the enemies do. Can't wait to see what you do next!


Glad to see you're enjoying the game. More content soon!


I'm overwhelmed with suggestions for the game right now, I'm gonna go step by step and the do things with priority first, such as a Gallery mode.

Are there any plans to add multiple playable characters or body types like a THICC body option or Futa/Ts, also curious if high heels are a possible addition?

(1 edit) (+1)

High heels are a bit difficult to implement, considering they player skeleton needs to change in height, maybe in the future. Adding multiple body types is possible, I will look into that one day. I think I will add the futa option as a wardrobe item you van put on. 

(1 edit)

Great game, payed a little extra after messing around with it.

As most people said, game is hard as balls, except the Shack, I was able to get all of the experiments there in 1.0.0 before trying another level and getting frustrated.

grapple mechanics are a little unforgiving even on the new casual difficulty. I still have to use a macro to get out of grapple for some enemies.

I do think this would benefit from some sort of persistent upgrade mechanic. A little extra libido here, A little extra strength there would be great. It could be based on residual money from each match, or each match could track an overall score, which could carry over into points.

This would allow for increasingly more difficult levels or more difficult experiments, but ya gotta balance the grind also.

My favorite level by far ( in terms of level design ) is FER I would love to see more levels like that... I really like how it is more exploratory, and has multiple paths you can take. Unlocking more monsters the further from spawn you go.

Also, what do you think about opening up for players to add their own levels? I personally have 3 or 4 level Ideas that I would like to make.

Now for bug/issue report time:

When escaping from/finishing a rape, if you hold down a directional button BEFORE you escape, the player character stays still, I have many times gotten in a "stun-lock" because I was holding a direction and I couldn't escape.

controls feel a bit stiff. It is Leaps better than most H-platformers, but there is still something off.

Transitioning from mouse on the side that is the direction the character is moving to behind the character needs a bit slower of a deceleration. ( one of the stiffness issues )

-end bug/issues-

if you need more hands on deck, I am a bored programmer who also knows how to do pixel art and has 0 ideas for a game, but always wanted to work on one.


Thank you for your very generous tip, I appreciate it!

Hmm... you're probably the 4th person to suggest some form of upgrading. I'm gonna think about it. I'm thinking about being able to spend skill-points to upgrade your character stats. But this is a pretty big change, so don't wait for it right now. Other stuff like new stages and Gallery mode is way more important at the moment.

Also, it's pretty hard to balance the sex escape mini-game. I'm 100% sure that some people find escaping very very easy while others find it near impossible. A solution would be to use a different type of mini-game that doesn't require finger dexterity. But what? But it's kinda too late for that now.

Thanks for your feedback!

No problem, also I can't seem to get the "Help Me" Experiment on FER. I know I have had them scare me 6 times... Is it a typo, or is it bugged?


Are you sure you also reached the minimum required wave number? If so, I will check it out soon to see if it's bugged. Could be a typo too.

(1 edit)

"Help Me" doesn't specify a wave number.

Help Me

Let Jackys scare you 6 times in a single game without a broken mind.

Is what the experiment states.

I am testing a wave cap for it as a couple of the other experiments have a wave prereq also. I am at 16 currently and have been scared ~12 times.


Oh, my bad. Then it's either a typo or bugged.. which is strange cause some people already beat the entire game. Will check up on it soon, right now I'm going to bed. Thanks for reporting the bug! 


It could actually be to be scared 16 times instead of 6. But thats way too hard lol. Try it for now

(1 edit)

Your game is amazing, I haven't seen so much quality content anywhere in a long time at the initial stage.

However, there is a lack of gallery or sandbox mode/map (e.g. where the player can choose mobs and their number for each wave, different free guns, infinite parameters (heart, pleasure еtc)).

I hope there will be more content with hypnosis or mind control staff in the game (hypno-traps, bots with flashing hypno-eyes, brain parasites, microchip implant etc.). And not enough lesbians. Cunnilingus to the spider Queen, of course, is available, but this is a bit not what I want.

And I still don't understand what can an Android in the location of F.E.R. Just an ordinary mob? 

And there is an extreme lack of "emergency" end button of the level when already know that you lost. Some animations are too long (like Goblin Minor animation).


Gallery mode is next on todolist!

The orange android with no legs is just there for fun, she doesn't do anything. The white android up top that comes alive after turning the switch on is also just for fun, no gameplay elements are involved.

I 'm not sure what you mean with emergency end button. You mean being able to just give up midway through the game cause you think you've lost? If so: you can just exit to main menu and click play game again. All progression and stuff that gets saved to your save file like highscores and experiment completions happen mid-gameplay, so you don't have to wait around to get mind broken first.

Goblin minor animation is way too long I know. But I've spent a good bit of time on that animation and it hurts to just cut a big portion out lol.

Glad to hear you like the game.

Personally I liked the goblin minor animation, smaller enemy sizeplay with the player character is good, and I think you can do more with them than just larger enemies could


I agree

you can just exit to main menu and click play game again

Oh, thanks, I thought progress will being reset. I use to think "if I go to the main menu, I can say goodbye to my progress".

(1 edit) (+2)

I don't have concrete ideas atm for future stages, but there is a good chance more hypno stuff will be introduced.

Glad there's a chance!

I'm sure you are well passed the point of taking suggestions for you're two upcoming levels but I also would be down for hypno stuff. A mind flayer would be just perfect.

I love where this is going, still needs some balancing here and there but overall this initial release offers more content than many other games that have been around for way longer without smelling greed too much. Maybe add built-in cheats and a gallery ? Extra points for not having a patreon ♥


I don't even know what Patreon is like. I released this game 2 days ago, that's all my experience as a game developer. You don't like Patreon?

I'm thinking about adding some sort of cheat mode, in which you can play the game with cheats but can't complete any Experiments.

Gallery mode is on the todo list, stay tuned for it!

(1 edit)

I'm just tired of games not going past alpha stages before being abandoned without a word or where the monthly (if not longer) updates add pretty much nothing else than cosmetics and bug fixes, and such games sadly are all over the place on patreon, patron itself isn't that bad, I've just lost faith in adult games available there, too many devs focusing on milking players of their money more than working on the game.

Hopefully you don't turn out like that!


Just make sure to not give me too much money so that I don't turn lazy and greedy.

Just kidding. I need money I'm broke lol. That's about 33% the reason why I released the game. But don't be too afraid, I care about the quality of my projects. The remaining 66% of my motivation is to develop a good, fun game.

But I see what you mean. I've noticed some pretty good H-games stuck in development for like 2 years, with Patreon pages still being up. And honestly they are not that super amazing or revolutionary or anything.

Deleted post
(1 edit) (+1)

Want to know a fun fact? I started this project out as a linear adventure platformer, but shifted towards what the game is now. The reason for that is that making an adventure game with a chronological storyline and level progression towards sensical goals is quite hard. I'm just a programmer. It's by chance that I've also spent a good amount of time drawing and animating when I was younger, so I can atleast create interesting looking characters (I hope). But building entire levels that look good and make sense is beyond me. Also, such projects take way more time than a wave shooter, trust me. I would never be able to release it if I hadn't transformed the game into a wave shooter.

The GUI of the note and keypad in the captivity room, and the keypad and key to unlock the Wunderwaffe in F.E.R are a result from the previous iteration of the game. A bunch of graphics in Space Station are also recycled.

Maybe I will post a unfinished build of what the game used to be. Could be fun.

Deleted post

Wow, thank you for the kind words! More content is coming soon.


(F.E.R is my favorite stage too :))

Deleted post

Really epic

only complaint is the "ejaculation noise" is a bit weird in my opinion

Otherwise, excited to see what you add!!


I'm glad to see you like the game!


This game is perfect, the graphics, the gameplay, and the sex animations, i would love to see new stages quick as possible 

id pay even up to 30 bucks or more monthly almost!

the fnaf stage got me the most excited


I'm glad to see you like it so much. I don't have a patreon or anything, I just started out as a game dev by releasing this game. Right now I'm studying too so I don't have all the time to work on Captivity. 

So that 30$ per month wouldn't change much regarding development speed. (very generous of you btw). New stages are coming soon though, stay tuned! And I'm glad you like F.E.R, that one is my favorite too!


always patient for games like this!

(1 edit)

First of all your game is absolutely amazing that's why I want it to be even better.

- I have a few ideas, most importantly I hope you know that you are not allowed to NOT add a Gallery, This game is to good not to have one, And or an Arena where you have no lives only Pleasure and Libido and you can spawn enemies yourself or with a wave system too but you can decide which enemies can spawn.

- I think something like a content menu where you can toggle things like pregnancy or Futabots don't have a metal sound or dropping your weapon on some attacks would be nice so that every Player can decide how they want to play the game.

- Gangbang is something I personally would definitely want, It fells just wrong when they are 20 Zombie or Flies(hope that's the English name) around you and only one is using you, but I saw that some else also recommend it and you said that it would be difficult to implement I can just cross my fingers and hope.

- You already change the difficulty a bit which was definitely needed, will properly need further testing until it's good enough and while saying that difficulty settings for people how aren't so good at such game but still want to enjoy it wouldn't hurt.(or harder for masochist ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

-I also have a few Stage/Enemy ideas

I noticed that no enemies are normal Humans closest would be Zombies or maybe the Futabots. I don't know if that's on purpose or a coincidence. In any case I will propose Human enemies.

1. A brothel mostly female enemy for some lesbian time. I thought that they have H-attacks like fingering, strap-on, Cunnilingus and some tools like a wooden horse or a sex machine. The Specialty could be that they can tie you up with ropes like arms you can't use items/weapons or legs you can't move and you need to go through a mini-game(like escaping an H-attack) to get rid of them but you can get attack while doing so would decrease the amount of enemies a bit for that reason.(generally would like some Bondage in the game)

2. A really thick Jungle with Tentacle plants what they would to is obviously. The Specialty on that level would be that some enemies spray pollen witch when they hit you, make you extra horny witch means maximum libido is increased and libido increases slowly over time to get rid of it you could add an item or it has a timer.(ability on the left like mind control has a bar like health which when full increases the abilitys level which increases the effect)

Some rough ideas

Rioters : (2020 vibes please don't take it politically)Defending a Police station against Angry and Horny Rioters (adding a Police or SWAT Outfit?)

Pirates maybe?
Hell : Devil and such.
Accordingly Heaven : Angel, Pegasus and so on.
Ranch: Horse, Bull, Pig.

Could you say what we can roughly expect in the next big update ?

And is this you first H-game?

Lastly I want to say I hope I don't come over entitled, like I want that and that these are just some Ideas (Except Gallery that's an order ;D) and I just really like this game a lot and want to see it becoming even better.


Gallery is on my priority list. I already knew that people wanted this feature, but it seems like alot of people really want this. I'm gonna work on that soon!

The content menu idea is very interesting. But I wonder whether most people are interested in completely customizing their player experience or not. I think most people just want to play a fun game and play with their private parts enjoy the graphics and animations.

You don't like the thrusting sounds of the futa bots? You're the second person to comment that. Would you rather have the metal sounds lowered quite a bit or just be replaced with normal thrusting and skin hitting sounds?

Gangbanging is probably never going to happen for this game, so don't get your hopes up. It would involve too much programming work and animation changes. Although I do agree it would fit nicely with this game.

I already added a difficulty option in v1.0.4. I'm way ahead of ya :).

As for your creative ideas, they are pretty good but too vague. I think I like the brothel the most. This game needs some lesbian love (even though futa's are sort of women too. Even though they are bots. With dicks... nevermind)

But I'm gonna be honest, there is way too much positivity and excitement in the comments. I can't keep up with all the cool stuff you guys are coming up with. I'm gonna take it slow and go step by step. I will post a devlog with what I will be working on soon. I'm probably gonna think out + design + build some sort of Gallery mode/stage. After that I will probably start on a new stage. I think most people want new stages, and I don't blame them. It's the entire content of the game.

Thank you for being so excited about this project of mine. And yes, this is the first H-game I've released. To be a bit more precise: this is the first game I've ever released.

Stay tuned!

(And you don't come over as over-entitled. It honestly makes me happy to see that you like something I've made to this degree)

(3 edits)

I still have some things to say I just didn't want to put every thing into one comment, but before I will clarify some things from the old comment

With a content menu I mean not customizing the hole game just things some People like and others not, like pregnancy you could limit by how many things you can have inside you, and if the player doesn't like it at all he can set it to 0(setting it to low should then disable the ability to earn achievements because it changes the gameplay to much)

And with the metal sounds I have not that much against it, I just saw like you said that someone else didn't like it.
although would need to hear it with normal sounds before I make a final decision. Here you could add a toggle like you did with the muzzle flash in 1.0.4

And with my ideas being too vague... I mean that's what they are supposed to be, I am not going to think a Complete stage when you can then you just say nahhh don't like it.(no offense)

And for the Gangbang I am not giving up that easily. I of course don't know how you made every thing but, Currently enemies have only one h-animation if it would be easy to add more than one you could see a Gangbang animation just as another animation where you check if gangbang compatible enemy is nearby and then chose this animation instant of the normal one.(if that's not possible that I hope that at least some enemies will have more than one animation available, but if the gangbang thing doesn't work I think that's also not happening)

Now to some new points.

I think I have found a bug the big bug (pun intended) in the cave does stuck on an H-animatzion some times,
at the end when it should move to the nest but it does nothing.

And I think the amount of traps on the jungle should be limited maybe depending on the difficulty ?

And definitely be able to change the order of your guns.

I have a sound idea don't know how it would sound but you could add a pussy sound while being fucked to the slap sound which sounds wetter the higher you libido gets.(Similar to the fingering sound)

I think the first half of the Zombie grabber animation a bit to long it would be nice if he would bite you only half as soften but does twice the damage not to hard just a bit to long 

Small unity questions.Is there a reason why you save your progress in the game files and not somewhere on the system so that you don't need to replace the file on every update, like Application.persistentDataPath not an expert hope I am not missing something.

And for real that's your first game I am stunned, can't wait to see what stuff you will make with even more Experience in some years

did the saving change because of my comment or are you always ahead of my ?

I'm way ahead of you. 

Just kidding, your comment got me reading up on persistentDataPath. I didn't even realise this was a thing. Thank you for bringing it up, it's a good change

Thought so, glad I could help.

By the way.

When I find a bug or when I have another idea should I comment on this one or make a new comment?

Or is it possible that you add me on steam for a more direct and faster conversation.

(Understandable if you don't want, I am just a random person after all, I would appreciate it though)

(1 edit)

Hi, great game! was worth every penny and then some ;)

there is a bug with the fly sound effect on cave, no matter which slider you turn to 0, so long as the master volume is above 0, the sound can be heard. 

Personal gripe that I physically can't stand the sound of fly's. I am not lying that I would pay for a button or slider just for that singular sfx

Scratch that, the Master volume can be off and it still plays the fly sfx ahahaha.


That sound bug is easily solved, will be fixed in next update among other bugfixes. Thanks for reporting! I'm sorry you can't stand flies lol. 

Thank you, lol. 

needs some full nelson fucking


There's one nelson animation in the game done by Jacky in an upside down fashion. Maybe I'll add more full nelson in the future.

hey, just so you know mate, theres a bug where if you pause the game while someone is raping you, you can wiggle out of it no problem.


Oh, that's not good. Will fix it in next patch. Thanks for reporting!

Deleted 3 years ago

SIT thanks you for your cooperation

I hope this dosnt come off as rude but I think it would make more sense if the futa robots didnt make a metal sound when they rape you, makes it seem like its metal on metal, also will there more futa content in the future? Love the game btw :)


You're not rude at all. But I do disagree :). I like the metal sound of the thrusting. I haven't thought about future futa stuff. Maybe I will. Futa's are fun. Glad to hear you like the game!

(1 edit)

perhaps a level around turning the player into a futa and trying not to get your nugs drained

(female wizard school that needs mudblood semen for potions)


That's pretty creative and oddly specific. Thanks for the suggestion I'll think about it!

Few things to consider maybe adding, a better more expensive version of buffout.

A "Enemies left" counter per wave

Kill x of y could also reward small perma upgrades like +10% damage vs them

Kill x with z weapon, similar, + % damage, or recoil reduction or discount at the vendor

A small one but not sure how difficult it would be to implement, a in-round pause with access to the options, audio, controls ect, I'm always forgetting a button

Gallery mode? I'm not sure its implemented and I'm missing it, as the data counts are awesome, playing the animations would be cool too after unlocking them.

At the moment the cash value is "vulnerable" to cheat engine, something to note if something like that bothers you - tested to try out some of the more expensive vendor items

Keep up the great work!


Buffout is already quite good in my opinion. If you have 0 Strength and consume 2 Buffout, you're already back in the game. Adding  a stronger version will probably be overpowered and makes the game go on for way too long.

The enemy counter is a pretty good idea. I'm gonna see if it's gonna work. Thanks!

You're the second person to suggest permanent upgrades. I'm gonna see if it will work well with this game.

Building an in-game options menu is pretty hard right now, because I've programmed the GUI of the game pretty badly. Maybe in the future.

Gallery mode is not present. It's definitely in my todo-list right now, so stay tuned.

I don't care too much about the cheat engine stuff. If people want to cheat, that's their decision. This is not a multiplayer game so it's fine.

Thanks for your input!

Deleted 71 days ago

might this game ever come to mac?


I've published 1 app ever for an Apple device, and I remember it being quite a hassle. I'm not sure when I will make a MacOS build. Linux is higher on the priority list too. 


Tons of respect for you response time on the feedback. I would have just suggested a difficulty option cause my game doesn't save for some reason and it makes me restart but another way could be adding permanent buffs for completing experiments such as zombie II hunter makes you do more damage to them, dog toy makes them deal less lust damage or snack make you take less damage from bites

(1 edit) (+2)

The game doesn't save? That's sounds very odd. If the game can't save properly it should probably crash. Can you give me some  details?:

Does the saving work, but just reset when closing and starting the game? 

Did you lose progress after updating? If so, don't forget to copy your save file over the next time an update comes out. 

Are you able to finish challenges? And does this mean the challenges just reset while playing or something?

Difficulty option sounds good. I think the game is too difficult for alot of people too.

This game is honestly lots of fun, and each patch has consistently improved the overall gameplay and experience by adjusting what needed to be fixed quickly and correctly. The enemies have great variation, and each has animations that fit their overall theme just right, which makes for fighiting through the enemies to find new ones a really enjoyable experience. I personally enjoy the cave and space station enemies the most because I'm honestly into it, but I feel there should be a warning for bloody effects in the animations which weren't given when I first started to play this. Maybe there's been a patch since I've posted this that fixed the issue I find with it.

I believe the dev has said that there'll be more levels and roughly 4-ish enemies per level to fight and see what they do, and I look forward to it. I wish there was more mind-control and hypnosis themed stuff in the game, but I hope there'll be more of it avaliable in the future

Things I'd like to see added:

-enemy threesomes/gangbang scenes
-enemy animation/scene gallery
-meeting with other captives
-a different ending
-shemale/futanari customization for player character

and finally, I hope this expands past just 2 more levels. I'd like to see about a dozen levels, but I understand that's a tremendously large workload


I like hyonosis stuff too. I'm thinking of new ways to explore this. Something like the player being hypnotised from a distance, and her being forcefully made to walk towards the enemy with her arms extended like a zombie.

Gangbang scenes will be quite difficult to implement with the way I've programmed and designed this game. I'm not sure that will be ever a thing for Captivity, but who knows, maybe one day. 

A gallery option is needed I think. I just have to figure out how to do it properly.

What do you mean with upgrades? 

Meeting with other captives would be really cool, and I thought about this idea quite a bit in the past. But again, with the way I've built AI and stuff, it will be quite difficult to implement this. 

Ending sucks, I agree. I'm gonna think of something good one day. 

Im planning to add the futanari thing as a Wardrobe item reward in a future stage release. 

It takes a good bit of time to design, draw, animate, program and build an entire stage with it's enemies. Right now I'm following a course to become a bachelor computer scientist, so my time is slightly limited. But I love this game, and judging by the comments others like it too. I will do my best to create new content, and probably create more than 2 stages.

I'm happy to hear you like the enemies. I'm a programmer, not an artist. So it makes me abit less nervous to hear good feedback on the drawing and character design. 


Wait, you already got to the ending? Did you complete every single challenge already? Wow, good work! 

Deleted post

I was thinking in a similar direction. I want to create some sort of area/room alongside the captivity room where you can play around with npc's. I was thinking to make it so completing the Hunter challenges (Zombie I Hunter, Death Hound Hunter etc.) unlocks the npc's so you can play animations and stuff. Interesting idea with the hatch thing, it could work.

For upgrades, I was thinking maybe a special damage increase similar to the drug that maybe drops every 5-10 rounds just to help people last a little longer in the locations. I'm glad to hear you have an interest in more hypnosis content for your game, and the option for futanari as a wardrobe option is a good idea.


Hmm interesting thought regarding the damage boost, I'll think about it.
Thanks for your feedback.

i made a account just to ask, after being bugged by this for a few hours. the damn thing wont let me buy this game. it keeps saying my Area Code is not right. now, i cant be wrong. i have lived in my area for almost my whole life lol. tf is up with that?

........just checked my bank account. it says its pending. but the site says the area code didnt work so it never said i bought the game. i really, really dont wanna do it again if its just gonna charge another 3 bucks and say it didnt work.


That sucks. Hmm... I can't see you in the payment list either. I think the payment never got through to itch. This sounds like an thing, I don't think I can help you. Maybe try itch support.

finally got through to buying the game. but how long is the wait time for the load up? from this msg being sent, i started the game and new game about 2 mins before. lol the music even turned off now. just loading.

(1 edit)

Are you playing the most recent version? There was a nasty bug that caused loading issues, which was fixed in v1.0.3. Please try the most recent version of the game. Let me know if the game still doesn't work!

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