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I love this game! The smut is good, but the shooting is fantastic. Something I only just realized after hours playing... You can pick up the lamp next to the tent in caves and drop it elsewhere. Super useful. I guess that since I so rarely see that red "pick me up" outline, I never put 2 and 2 together.

This is probably the first comment ive ever typed (dont quote me on that!) but i love this game. I can feel the hard work and the effort poured into it and i love almost everything about it. I could go on and on but i want you to know that i love this game and want to see more of you in the future!

I meant to type this here but oh well


I would love more beasty content if you want to, the zombie dog is my favorite enemy, right next to jenny.

Too much specific fetishes (bestiallity, pregnancy, egg laying) for me to be enjoyable as adult game, but plays really great as game itself, if you dont get yourself down, wish if there was more content to it though.

I can't seem to figure out the Stone lady achievement for the jungle.  Anyone have tips for me?

(1 edit)

No tip really, its luck on getting little totems from each type of enemy, I saw someone got all four in 11 waves, you just have a chance of getting them. sorry if I couldn't help.

(6 edits) (+1)

great game i'm enjoying it but it's way too hard the shack is fine but the cave is impossibly hard the flys fuck your face constantly it's not too hard to keep the dogs from jumping on your back at the shack but the flys it's impossible to keep yourself from getting raped so you have to keep buying drugs so your mind doesn't break and because of that you can't save up $ also on top of being dark the hunters spawn next to one of only light sources and when you buy the generator the mosquitos spawn and if that's not bad enough when you get pregnant you can miss the chance to buy anything cus giving birth take too long and that's just the cave the other levels only get harder i'm not a developer but in my opinion the rape escape system is just too hard getting instantly raped happens way too often again i think making the drugs a little cheaper and the flys a little less aggressive  would go a long way vary cool game Mor pls :)

I find that shot guns and auto weapons help immensely in the cave, as for the darkness once you get 600$ usually around wave 2 or 3 for me you can activate the generator lighting up the rest of the area beyond that the little light that's outlined in red next to the tent can be picked up with E and taken to wherever you want to try and hold off the insects you can drop it and all other guns with the G key and the light will point in whatever direction your facing. beyond that its just skill and knowing the enemies animations, good luck. :)


Woah dude where are you coming from? like out of nowhere!!

This is like triple AAA Indie type game :O

Bought the game and gave you 10$ more and ill give even more in the next starting month...months i would say..

One thing is ...Are you planning Belly bulge/inflation? (you know with all the sperms/eggs the character get <_<)

Really fun to play!

With that Black Friday Offer, it's impossible to resist, another one just buyed the game

Happily paid above the asking price after trying it. Great game, and not just for the porn! Looking forward to seeing more from you! :)

I like this game. but I want to translate this game. Could you provide me with the data for translation? I'd like to translate it into Korean.

Deleted 3 years ago
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(2 edits)

Thanks for making this exciting game!

Do you have any plans to add a hairstyle?

Among the girls on the 'jungle' stage, I like the brown hair girl's hairstyle the most. please...

If it were an android game, I'd definitely buy!

(1 edit) (-6)

will we be expecting a free version? like 1 version late or somethin?

cuz, man. this game even though it looks wonky, it is actually good. (seen the trailer) and for a broke ass guy like me. i could only wait.


Hey dude  how do you actually get rid of the head humpers when they hump you're head?


On the left side in a hallway there's a broken pipe spewing out flames, jump into it


Picked it up a couple days ago for $5, spent most of my weekend on it, and just kicked in another $15. Really just fantastic, looking forward to whatever else you add!


Just dropped $20 on this game. It's so good. Keep making gold brother.


Thank you brother, those extra donations really add up. More content coming soon! 

(1 edit) (+1)

I love the FNAF stage. The idea of a hentai game where endless waves of horny, dickgirl robots are trying to chase you down and fuck you silly? Yes please! Hotter if the protagonist was male (still being fucked by dickgirls, mind you), but I love it. Thank you. <3 Lol I meant to make this a new comment and hit reply instead. Oops.


The community made a femboi mod. You can find it on the Discord server. Have fun


bro keep updating this, easily can become one of best gamz

Shut up and take my money!

Took a chance for the sake of $5; this is lot better than I was expecting.  The gameplay is fluid, simple but fun, and there's enough variety with the different levels to keep things fresh for a while.  It's sucked me in for a while not because of the adult content, but because I'm having fun with the gameplay.

Jungle level is super buggy and crashes constantly though.  I haven't been to make it to round 20 even once without it crashing yet.

A few comments on things I think could be improved with some small changes:

Lives/Health system - The way things are balanced it's almost pointless to give the player multiple lives.  Once you 'die' on a later round and lose your drug buffs, it's almost impossible to recover; you NEED to have that 50% damage buff to have any chance past round 10 or so, and without any strength you immediately 'die' again the instant anything touches you again since you can't escape.  I feel that a) you should get at least a little bit of recovery after you lose a life and b) you shouldn't lose your buffs.  Or at least only lose one random buff.  Otherwise why even have multiple lives?

Guns - The $300 shotgun is absolute ass.  The reload is way too long for the DPS, the starter pistol is nearly always better.  This is small isssue on Shack, since it means the player really only gets two guns (starter pistol and the $650 one) and it boring pretty quickly as you end up stuck with the basic pistol the entire time.  It's a much bigger problem on...

Caves - Round 3-4 is way too brutal.  The Hunters are incredibly hard to deal with using the starter pistol, there lots of them, and your only other option is the crap shotgun to the left which will just get you killed faster.  I really feel the spawn rate should be very low until at least round 5 or so, to give the player a reasonable chance to get a proper weapon to handle multiples of them.

Otherwise really fun for $5, I look forward to any extra levels you happen to add.  Please fix the Jungle though.


Some guns are better in some maps. I prefer shotgun/sniper in jungle, fer and shack since you can one tap 2-3 enemies. SMGs with lots of ammo in a mag is excellent in cave and space station since enemies are strong because of their numbers and not their tankiness.


Really like the game, are there any updates coming soon?

Also, I think it'd be a good idea to display the remaining number of enemies in a wave somewhere :)

idk why but the game isn't loading:( i play the v1.0.5b, is a problem from my pc? (sorry for my bad english) i hope u can understand me

(1 edit) (+2)

Try to run the game as admin. If that doesn't work, check if a save file (xGameDb.db) is present at Locallow\Perveloper\Captivity. Google how to get to LocalLow. If that file is 0kb, delete that file and try to run the game again as admin. 

If that doesn't work, join the Discord channel and contact me through the #bug-report channel. 


Love the work.  Just wanted to give a positive review for you.  Keep it up!

Honestly i love this game i hope you get enough support so you add these 2 more stages or more. you have my support for sure.


New stages are coming!

(2 edits) (+2)

I'd suggest increasing orc spawn rate at later levels or lowering the amount of orcs you need to kill for the orc hunter achievement to at most 100 but preferably less. I've killed enough minors to complete their hunter experiment twice, enough trappers for 3 and enough marksmen for almost 5. But I'm only at 85 orcs so far with the goal being 150. 

I can appreciate that some experiments will be harder then others but this one is just overly grindy. It would probably take me 1.5-2 hours of grinding with infinite ammo to get the rest of them if not more.

EDIT: Abby could use the same treatment. By the time I finished the other 3 hunter experiments for FER I was only on 40-something Abby kills out of 200.

This is genuinely outstanding. My weekend disappeared, and I enjoyed every minute - at least every minute that didn't involve me being caught in a blasted bear trap. Looking forward to future content!

I'm nearly finished with the experiments, but I'm running into trouble on a few in the Space Station, and I was hoping to get some advice. Being hypnotized 15 times without a game over seems impossible, at least with all of the strategies I've tried. Any advice? Do I just need to get even more aphrodisiacs and spread out the events further? Do I actually need to enter the hypnotized state, or just get grabbed and escape 15 times? Also, for the life of me, I can't seem to get the Samus experiment no matter how many pulses I roll through. 

Thanks again for making such a fantastic game. It'd be a steal at twice the price.


The hypno experiment could be bugged, please wait for an update. 

The samus experiment requires you to roll through 50 energy blasts from 50 different Sqoids, so you can't farm one Sqoid

I'm glad you like the game! 

Tried that, too! Definitely waiting for the patch. I'd commented on another post my issues with this particular one as well. I've gotten everything BUT that one...

Yo PerveLoper very nice game bruv i gotta say PEEK!!! performance and fps. this game is worth the $5 however shooting with mouse is just too straining on movement for me (not difficult) i'm more of a plugin console controller type person i'm not saying you should put that mechanic in it's just a thought. but overall very good game this #1 h-game now. ( used to belong to "Warlock and Boobs" untill you should up )   


I feel flattered, thank you. It's possible that I will add controller support one day

Any cheats for this game?


Vary good. I saw this posted on another web page. 5 bucks was worth it. You have the base for a good game, but it needs alittle more meat on the bones! keep it up. would love to see some more feral on human action

So what are the chances for the zombies to impregnate you or is there only specific enemies that can?


Only specific enemies can

That's a damn good game.The game looks good. The scenes are varied, the difficulty is challenging as one would expect of that kind of game, but beatable.

My completely unreasonable wish list for even more fun:

* Group attacks from enemies (at least from the same kind of enemies?)
* The ending felt a little abrupt. While I understand the intention behind it, how about a boss fight, or a "final wave"? After all, all these experiments must be put to use. ;-)

Pale|Fair|Tan|Rich; for accuracy.

Game plays great.
Protag' looks good, and the customisation options are a welcome addition.
H-scenes are strong off the bat. Quite a lot to experience out the door.

Brilliant work, overall.
Would suggest more "exotic" ears/hats and "exotic" skin options for a wider appeal. u w u

Mouse is best.

This is an awesome game! I actually have always liked erotic horror/survival but there weren't too many options out there. I know you have probably been bombarded with suggestions, but if you were still looking for ideas, I would enjoy there being some kind of hospital or haunted house style level (Thinking something like Silent Hill maybe). Ghosts, Nurses, and Mannequins would be cool enemies. Really love the more brutal ones like the zombie grabbers and Jenny (might have mixed up the name). Also like the idea of like a captive enemy style galley that a person just below. 

Of course feel free to do whatever you want, the game is already in a good position and as far as I can see it is worth the money (Just thought about while writing this, but an old gods/Cthulhu like map might be also really fun)

This game is great but my god I have such trouble survivng in literally anywhere but shack and the furry robot entertainment place. Any advice? The bugs in the cave are just too damn relentless not to start with like a glock or something but I cant survive long enough to get the cash for the power let alone the gun


There's an difficulty option to make it Casual.

For cave, there is a lamp near campfire, you can use it to light up dark areas. Save money and don't rush generator(it'll summon muscas). You'll need an automatic weapon. Shotgun or any semi-automatic weapon is not suitable for this mission. When you think you have enough money to move on, purchase generator and buy an automatic weapon preferably with lots of bullets in one mag. I suggest Bizon(2300$ something) which has 55 bullets. After buying weapon, save for Psycho.

For jungle, I advise shotgun(2300$ one) or the sniper. Sniper can kill 3 goblins with one headshot. Same with shotgun. Then you can buy Psycho. You can quick switch with "Q" to your pistol to disable traps. Don't spam roll too much. You can cheese them and fight near weapon selling machine and headshot them while they're climbing.

For space station, just buy the automatic glock on the wall and go gun blazing.

Thanks for the advice, though it is still frustrating to keep alive until the genny's on. Likely it's my terrible aim but the bugs are the biggest pain to hit. As for the Jungle, I had more trouble avoiding poison from the marksman goblin. And to be honest the space station was so unclear as of which door spawns the spider looking things.

Thanks again for the help


You can squish Maggots by running over them too, in case you didn't know

I did notice that, but with them my biggest issue was simply knowing they were there. I get that's kinda the point, but I've got mildly impaired vision so getting grappled for what seems like no sense can be frustrating. Fair play for the challenge of it, just found myself grinding my teeth more often than I'd like. Otherwise I've found myself melting hours into this so far 'cause it's addictive as hell (personal favourite is the Death Hound, Jenny, and the Spider mother in terms of enemies.)

I'm sorry you got addicted haha. Have fun ;) 


Just an idea but instead of just a gallery maybe a captured subjects for controlled testing. I think I remember something about fetishes and if so maybe playing with subjects has an extremely low chance to drop them.

(3 edits)

My 1.0.4 saves doesn't work with 1.0.5b. What could be the problem?

(1 edit) (+1)

Did you follow the copying instruction when you downloaded the newer version? Make sure the names of save files are the same. If the save file in the new version is 0kb, it means it's corrupted and dead. Make sure the game is closed while you copy.

(3 edits) (+1)

Instructions... Oops. Silly me. Speaking of the gaming experience. I would like to suggest removing the reduction in strength when you are fucked while holding the "S" key or when you don't struggle (No mashing). The strenght will be spent on real actions, and not on its own. This will help make experiments easier without changing their condition. Now a lot depends on the randomness. Also, it makes sense. Ow. And some "fainted" rape animations. Its usable for "S" rapes and after mind break. It is a little strange to see her jump to her feet during a mind break when attacked by a fly, for example. Now there are already many locations and new animations diversify the game even more. But if the priority is precisely the new location, then I am not a decree to you. The game is already good! This is the witcher from the world of indie porn games! It is just rare to see the completed game, especially as it develops further.


Animating takes alot of time so creating most animations x2 just for the mind break is a little too much.  If Strength reduction is stopped while holding S than the game will go on forever. The idea is that your Strength is drained by the actions of the one whos fucking you. There's a difficulty option too, just in case. 

Thank you for playing! 

Can I request a demo version of the game?


I love a good sidescroller, and a wave survival sexy game sidescroller? 

Good stuff~ 

I really hope this gets worked on more. 

(My favorite area is the F.E.R facility since any female on female content is a plus, even if it's Futa).

Thanks for the fun gameplay!

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a suggestion regarding the status effects that pop up on the left side. They can really get in the way of the "active" parts of the screen. Say for example you've got the 3 buffs and then you get facehumped. The facehumper message covers over half that side of your character which makes it really hard to see facehumpers especially. So I have a few possible solutions for how to make it less obscuring:

  • A transparency slider for the popup windows
  • Have them be along the top or bottom of the screen
  • Have them movable by the user in the settings
  • Have them become transparent or semi-transparent if there is at least one enemy being obscured
  • Make the permanent buffs like psycho etc more like the status lights on cars with just a square image or something like that(auto-fire symbol for firerate, a bullet impacting for psycho and a laser pointer for the accuracy one for example). This would leave more room for temporary messages and would put semi-permanent ones further down so they hopefully don't block the view. You could also put the new squares somewhere else for even more room for the rest of the messages.

Find the humper not on my face :P


I think I know what you're talking about. The permabuff icons is a good idea. I will try that sometime. I could also try to apply word wrapping so longer status effects are multilined instead of everything in one line. Thanks for the ideas!

Happy to help :)

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