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Hello, i've encountered a glitch in the space level: Somehow by birthing the facehugger, and getting raped costantly in the last round, i managed to glitch the game by becoming invincible: my character slides, i have costantly zero stamina, the enemies can't touch me and the game is no longer interactable if not by paying stuff, oh, and also the round refused to end.

Beside that i didn't encounter any other glitch

I've been having the same problem. I think it is a bug that occurs when firing to many animated events (I am not a programmer, this is not the correct terminology) at the same time, i.e. rolling into/coming out of a dodge while starting to give labor, getting raped and giving labor etc. I have only seen it happen when I'm out of stamina.

Does this align with your experience?

I don't know, i was frantically shooting and dodging while hordes of aliens were coming for my butt, all in the meanwhile i was screaming in panic, so that's what probably happened.

(1 edit)

When you are knocked out at around the same time you dodge roll or right before the invincibility frames come in, the glitch occurs, it happens on every map, hopefully I could help!

Great game, outside of the sexy stuff it's really well put together, with the sexy stuff it is worth $5 easy. Honestly, its impressive, good job Perveloper you should be proud.

(1 edit)

Enjoying the game a lot! I'm wondering if you exit in the middle of a round, do you lose any experience or achievements you gained during that round? 

Achievements appear to save the moment you earn them.


In case you're wondering for the next update, or have general questions, check the Discord

i have a question I've tried discord but they cant help me. I'm trying to figure out how to become fertile so the mc can get pregnant

every enemy can get her pregnant it says so on the computer under "data"  i just need to be fertile. can you help 

here is an example:

How can i get my Achievements from Past version?

Is it even possible?




Three months.


Any news on the next big update? Its been a while


Hi, great game! I've got a few thoughts if you don't mind.

First I'll suggest a little bit of head tracking when the main character aims up or down. It's a little thing but I think it'll add a lot to the visual aesthetic.

Second, add me to the list of people who'd like some more permanent progression. Something so when a person hits their skill wall they can still progress towards improvement.Some examples might be taking X damage eventually gives you the ability to start with an Aspirin, X times 10 and you start with Morphine instead, X times 100 and you can also buy one free Morphine each experiment attempt, and so on.

You could also give points to upgrade the basic pistol the more someone does damage with it. It would get an ammo pool like other weapons and when out of ammo, it reverts to the basic unmodified version until more ammo is found or bought. Things like clip size, ROF, damage, accuracy, as well as adding special abilities could be modified.

Thanks for the game.

I found this game played it and eventually found the itchio page. I erased the old file and bought the game I love it also I read about you wanting to add more weapons and stages if the game got a good reception. Did it? Anyway hope you still plan on polishing this gem of a game.

The game is great, little hard but that's part of the fun. Would be great if you could make it run on linux as well :).


   Прекрасная Игра! Я был в восторге, когда поиграл в неё!
На первый взгляд выглядит, как очередная пиксельная фигня. Пиксельные игры делают не очень, но данная игра оказалась просто невероятно классной!

   1) Отличный Геймплей! Вот честно, просто не оторваться. Игра затягивает с первых секунд. Управление сделано удобно. Много видов оружия. Баланс присутствует. Есть недочёты и минусы (мелочи), но игра совершенствуется и уже сейчас заслуживает все 5 звёзд!

   2) Шикарные Сцены! На сцены, хоть они и пиксельные, смотреть очень приятно. Эмоции персонажи, его жестикуляция, позы и движения... Всё выполнено со вкусом. Одним словом - Прекрасно!

   3) Игра очень хороша, и, лично я, не видел ни одной игры, способной составить этой игре конкуренцию. Она единственная в своём роде, адекватно-выполненная игра с прекрасными сценами и разработчиком! Perveloper - Ты Красавчик! Так держать!

   P.S. Самому, как программисту, хотелось бы только поинтересоваться у разработчика, насколько тяжело и долго создать похожую игру, или эту же с нуля. Админ, если ты это читаешь - ответь, пожалуйста, если не сложно. >)


   Игра Супер! Всем Советую. Плохих впечатлений никаких не оставила. Разработчику Уважение и  Удачи в улучшении проекта и созданий новых!

Great Game! I was thrilled when I played it!
At first glance, it looks like another pixel garbage. Pixel games don't do very well, but this game turned out to be just incredibly cool!

1) Great Gameplay! Honestly, you just can't come off.
The game is addictive from the first seconds. Management is made conveniently. Many types of weapons. There is a balance. There are flaws and minuses (little things), but the game is improving and already now deserves all 5 stars!

2) Gorgeous Scenes! The scenes, although they are pixelated, are very pleasant to look at. Emotions characters, his gestures, postures and movements ...
Everything is tastefully done. In one word - Great!

3) The game is very good, and personally I have not seen a single game that can compete with this game. She's a one of a kind, well-executed game with great scenes and a developer! Perveloper - You are Handsome! Keep it up!

P.S. Himself, as a programmer, I would only like to ask the developer how difficult and long it takes to create a similar game, or the same one from scratch. Admin, if you are reading this - please answer, if not difficult. >)

Super game! I advise everyone. I didn't leave any bad impressions. Developer Respect and good luck in improving the project and creating new ones!

© KST - 13.

Полностью с тобой солидарен

Ps. Воу... Не ожидал встретить Русскоговорящего.

Deleted post
Deleted post

Но я думаю, что этим, скорее всего, уже не займутся 

English Translator:

But I think that this, most likely, will not be dealt with anymore.


Hey, could you add a demo, so we could see if the game is working on our pc, thank you

更新 52天前
已发表 80天前

The enemies are not much of the problem with difficulty in the game, okay maybe the frequency of some enemies like the marksman in the jungle and the Abby in FER get quite annoying to quite difficult to deal with and the fact the Orc can act as a massive shield gets troublesome with the map layouts. The maps need more vertical movement since it's on a 2d plane and there's nowhere to go but into hordes of enemies. Expand the maps to allow more vertical movement so people can train and kite enemies around to either buy some time or separate enemies for those seemingly impossible missions. With a larger map size you can place more weapons around and/or have an ammo purchasing system like CoD Zombies for those high number rounds where you're basically guaranteeing to dump all of your ammo to be left with the starter pistol that anything past round 5 you're screwed with no chance of recovery.

Aside of the map layouts that need a bit of attention the weapons could use some balancing. for costing 3K the LMGs severely underperform the SMGs for a lower cost as well as having a reload time much too long to help with anything when the enemy can still push you backwards even when laying into their heads. In my opinion, reduce their ammo pool and increase their damage drastically especially with that flamethrower on the space level, picked that thing up, used it for 5 seconds and sold at as soon as that round ended. The B4A1 I believe you called it is fine as is except for it's long and unreliable reload speed.

Other than those gripes, this is done quite well.

Interesting game, Really hard for the first time, but then you can keep up the pace after some levels

The screen turns all black 

I'm struggling to get the "woozy" experiment because I can't find a reliable way to get stuck with the strange liquid. Instead the minor goblins just lunge at and damage me. 

How to complete the space station mission "hyponsis"  T-T

(2 edits) (+1)

Great game, bought it after seeing the trailer on pornhub before the mass execution of non-verified accounts, and it was worth every penny. I liked the animations and the unique mix of shooting, climbing, and porn! Also, it would be cool to see some explosives (E.g. grenades, dynamite, or molotovs) in the future.

Hi, everybody. I want to thank the developer for his efforts. Today I got the last achievement and was a little freaked out by the ending. I will wait for further updates (Are they planned by the way?)

Deleted 342 days ago

The question is relevant, because this is one of the most difficult achievements. Personally, I bought anaphrodisiac and once a wave was given to scoid. Somewhere on the wave so 10 I had 8-10 contacts with scoid, about 5-10% libido and 2 full hearts. At this point, I was already completely at the mercy of the scoids and took my achievement on the 15th wave. (All achievements related to waves are collected on the 15th wave. There is an error in the description associated with the 10th wave.) (the text was translated in an online translator, so please do not be aggressive because of some misunderstandings)

Deleted 342 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

The game wont load the options menu or start when i press the play button. im stuck on the loading screen every time i try to play it.

Deleted 3 years ago

Same situation here. Samus achievement hasn't unlocked. Easily counted over 50 seperately, in a row, with and without jumping, making sure the shot overlaps the player sprite during dash... I figured out how to remove the headcrab well after easily 200 of these attacks dodged. Tried in a wave, in a single game, exiting, losing after getting various markers... I don't know how many energy attacks from the sqoids I've dodged, but it must be in the thousands overall by now...

Deleted 342 days ago

Mate, your game is so good, that I even bought it. Even if the game consistently easy kicks my ass, I still like it.

I dont even own the game yet and I already love this :3

Hi guys. I need some help. How can i get achivements "happy", "sassy","lively" and "funny" at Furry Entertaiment Robotics? I fulfill all the conditions, but the achievements still doesn't count.If anyone has any more advice on how to perform these tasks most easily, then I will be extremely grateful. 

When I went for those I had to do only that task, not multiple ones (as for some reason they seem to override themselves)
When it comes to doing them 'easily' I actually dont fully remember my spot, just that it was near the vending machine with my back to the wall, leaving only the one I was going for alive and using all the 'healing' options from the vending machine between rounds.

Also the full auto shotgun is really great for dealing with them quickly, but the secret weapon on the stage is actually better for making sure you dont kill the one your aiming to keep alive.

Deleted 342 days ago

Thank u ^^

bro, how to get secret weapen od stage?


Functionally, what does "Expose" do? i figured it'd take off clothes or something but it just moves my hand in a jerk off motion. but it doesnt seem to do anything. A guide would be super helpful.

(3 edits) (+1)

when you hold down "Expose" the next enemy will instantly grab you rather then just hit you



I really like this game, but for some reason, I cannot use the other guns in the game outside of the pistol. I will purchase them, but I cannot switch over to them once purchased and when I try, my pistol will disappear. I can't seem to use any of the drugs either. I feel like I am missing a large chunk of the game because of this. 

Lastly, there are characters in the game called "minor goblins", which implies a shota element . For me personally, I don't want to play games with this type of theme because it grosses me out a bit. Most erotic/hentai games typically have tags to indicate this type of element (or at least they mention it somewhere) but I did not see any clear indication of this in the description. 

Honestly, spent a lot of time ensuring the goblin minors didn't get jack diddly... Also not a fan of shota elements in my games, wouldn't mind at least having a toggle... Easily swappable for a voodoo doctor or something else, imo!

the game is fine, don't regret my purchase damn near impossible after wave 5 or 6 even on casual mode. the zombie over all are way too fast! doesn't help that some of the actually start running at you i would love some sort of rouge lite elements that don't cost a bunch of in game money but, i guess you like C.O.D. zombie mode you would love this

Buying guns help a lot. There's a tree house you can see after you open the door. With 2300$ shotgun you can reach wave 20 with ease.

(1 edit)

well that's just the shack. later levels, like the space level feel immpossible! there so many enemys on screen, plus they're super fast! if you find a stragey for anything else, i'd be happy to hear it. i've been playing for 3 hours and got nothing 

it's easy mate, get a 350$ shotgun in 2 wave, get a 650$ pistol on 4 wave and open the right door when you have enough money.

and keep get money to buy shotguns ( O P )

cheapest shotgun is 1350$ Ronigsberg 543 which is pretty good

and sniper rifles are pretty good too. you can penetrate many zombies head with one shot

(1 edit)

is this on the shack? because i ment to say the space level was impossible. without the unlocking the door i got to wave 8 on the shack

(1 edit) (+1)

After the first door on space station, there is a shotgun on the wall priced at 1350, that can usually carry you to the gun vending machine and the end of the level. If your struggling to get to the point where you have enough the silenced pistol in the first room near the drugs will one-shot early wave enemies on headshots, just don't miss.

For space level I advise bizon 2k thousand dollar or something smg. You can purchase the auto pistol on the window at the start for an easy kills. Enemies have small hp and very fast where smg shoot fast and have a lot of ammo in a mag but deal less than assault rifles etc. Smgs are ideal for this level. You should either go to far left or far right (leave a little space to run back for reloading) to secure your back. Shoot fliying choompas first if you can or try to dodge(which is hard to time). Spider mothers are slow but will lunge on to you if you get too close. One last thing, if you can facehugged by those pesky little things you can get rid of them with the pipe that is flaming over your head by jumping(there's an achivement for it). I think you can manage level 20 with a solid smg. Good luck mate.


i enjoy it, make more baka

I'm really enjoying your game. If I'm not mistaken and this is your first project, I have to congratulate. Can you give us an ETA for your next update? Thanks and keep up the good work!


Nice game. Waiting for another platform or something for buy. decline my card.


Game was so good I pirated it, felt bad, made an account, then bought it for 20$

Hopefully you decide to add more stages, and if you do, I'd like to suggest a ghost that possesses kind of similar to the Sqoids

Keep up the great work, I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this game and you in general


can you give me a copy of the pirated one? I really want to play this game, but it's too expensive for me (i'm from brasil, and the dollar is like 5 RS) 


sod off.


how did you manage to pirate this lmao

Great game. I'd say it's worth the 5 bucks. I really like the art and animation.

It'd be nice if there was something more to keep you playing though. Like, after you die you just restart from square one. It'd be cool to be able to keep some of the money or something to spice up each playthrough.  Additionally, the reward of getting new clothes is nice but nothing that keeps me coming back. It'd be neat if the experiments also unlocked a new animation or something.

At lastly, make the clothes have less durability >:)

(1 edit) (+1)

Really good game but wished the game had more variations of rape, hope they later add gangbang.Or a neat ideá when the enemy rape you then it tells whit holes you get raped in and maybe xray? 


Hypnosis experiment is bugged (Samus might be too but its too difficult to guarantee you dodged 50 unique Sqoid shots for that one) But Hypnosis you need 15 Sqoid H scenes without getting broken and hit wave 10.
I painstakingly did this 3 separate times, and the most recent one even going out of my way to make sure that I grabbed 20 unique Sqoids (which took WAY too long because you've got to avoid their shots, take out all the enemies, while making sure you dont accidentally double kill a Sqoid) The experiment still didn't complete.

Great game, but hopefully this bug can be patched as I hate seeing an incomplete checklist (Time to work on the F.E.R. stuff

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